Basal Passeroidea

Core Passeroidea


Tyranni: Suboscines

Passeri: Oscines


Muscicapoidea and allies



















Passerid Clade

While the Estrilid clade is primarily old world and southern, its Passerid sister clade is cosmopolitan. More precisely, the nine-primaried oscinces are cosmopolitan, while their sister group, the Passeridae, are restricted to the Old World.

Passeridae: Old World Sparrows, Snowfinches Rafinesque, 1815

8 genera, 43 species HBW-15

The Passeridae are seed-eating birds, primarily distributed in the southern portion of the Palearctic, but ranging into the Afrotropics. Several passerids are closely associated with humans, especially the ubiquitous House Sparrow, which has spread worldwide.

Dickinson et al. (2003) considered Plocepasser, Histurgops, Pseudonigrita, and Philetairus to be Passeridae. However, Groth (1998) found them to be in the Ploceidae.

Cinnamon Ibon: The most astonishing change in the Passeridae is due to Fjeldså et al. (2010). They found that the Cinnamon Ibon, long thought to be an abberant white-eye, is actually a sparrow. This is a canopy bird from the cloud-forest of Mindanao, in the Philippines. It's a long way from anything we think of as a sparrow. It's also a long way physically. The nearest native populations of any sparrows are on the Asian mainland. Nonetheless, it is a sparrow, or at least a close relative. Indeed, Fjeldså et al. (2010) report than its skull is similar to a sparrow, and that it has many other features in common with the other Passeridae besides DNA. Even so, the Ibon is only a distant relative of the other Passeridae. Their most recent common ancestors lived about 17.5 mya (Päckert et al., 2021), only a short time before the split of the Passeridae and Motacillidae. As a result I'm treating the Ibon is a subfamily of Passeridae.

Pale Rockfinch: Interestingly enough, the Pale Rockfinch (Carpospiza) appears to be only distantly related to the other Passeridae. This was hinted at some time ago, and it had been suggested by H. Mendelssohn (fide HBW-14) that it did not even belong in Passeridae. The question of its affinities were also addressed by Bock (2004), Bock and Morony (1978a, b), and by Ivanitskii (1997). Bock and Morony identified features of the tongue that separate Passeridae from closely related families. These special features are connected with the ability to easily husk seeds. Ivanitskii (1997) and later Bock (2004) were able to confirm that Carpospiza shares this feature.

There are samples of the 16S and cox-1 genes from Carpospiza. They were used in an unpublished tree by Raty. It appears to be one of the basal taxa in Passeridae, along with the Cinnamon Ibon (see below). However, its position was not fully resolved and support was very weak.

The Pale Rockfinch may be as distant from the other Passeridae as the Ibon is, with common ancestors about 17.5 mya (Päckert et al., 2021). This is consistent with the date of about 19 mya for the Passeridae-Motacillidae split found by Oliveros et al. (2019). The result of all this is that I'm treating both as subfamilies of Passeridae until more information is available. I have however, moved Carpospiza slightly, so that it is now basal within Passeridae, rather than following

Fjeldså et al. (2020), Figure 14-38, present a phylogeny where Carpospiza is the basal member Motacillidae (wagtails and pipits). However, it is not included in their Appendix 2. They don't given detailed information about why they think Carpospiza belongs in Motacillidae. The only hint Fjeldså et al. give is to cite Oliveros et al. (2019) in support of the idea that Carpospiza and Motacillidae (wagtails and pipits) have a common ancestor. But that is true of all of the Passeridae! Oliveros et al. do not explicitly mention Carpospiza. Where Fjeldså et al. got the idea that Carpospiza belongs in Motacillidae is a mystery to me. Given the differences between the Pale Rock Sparrow and the wagtails and pipits, including the only available genetic evidence, I think Fjeldså et al. are mistaken.

Click for Passeridae species tree
Click for Passeridae
species tree

The current phylogeny for Passeridae is based on Päckert et al. (2021). Early versions of TiF relied on Price et al. (2014), which included one species of Gymnoris in their analysis as well as Qu et al. (2006), who examined the snowfinches. The genus tree, which remains the same, was initially based on a combination of Fjeldså et al. (2010), Price et al. (2014), Qu et al. (2006) and Raty. Earlier notions of relations within Passer itself have now been substantially altered by Päckert et al.'s (2021) study of Passeridae. They sequenced 18/28 species of genus Passer and 75% of the entire Passeridae family.

Passeridae — Additional Taxonomic Notes

Tibetan Snowfinches: Unfortunately, the name Tibetan Snowfinch has been moved from Montifringilla adamsi to Montifringilla henrici. To avoid confusion, I'm keeping Henri's Snowfinch as the primary name for M. henrici.

Bush-Sparrows: The secondary English names of Gymnoris involving Petronia have been removed as these birds have been separated from the genus Petronia.

Russet Sparrow: The specific epithet for Russet Sparrow has been changed from rutilans Temminck 1836 to cinnamomeus Gould 1836 (not 1838) due to priority.

Zarudny's Sparrow: The Asian subspecies Zarudny's Sparrow, Passer zarudnyi, has been split from Desert Sparrow, Passer simplex, which now contains only the African subspecies (Kirwan et al., 2009).

Italian Sparrow: The Italian Sparrow, Passer italiae, is recognized as a separate species based on Hermansen et al. (2011) and Elvgin et al. (2011). Although Töpfer (2006) had argued that it was a subspecies of the Spanish Sparrow, based on apparent ongoing hybridization, Hermansen et al. (2011) find that this is not the case. Rather, their genetic data found that the sympatric populations in Italy's Gargano Peninsula showed no evidence of gene flow. However, they did find a hybrid zone with the House Sparrow in the Alps. The hybrid zone appears narrow and relatively stable, and does not suggest substantial ongoing gene flow (and they did not find evidence of any). The twin papers produced by a group at Oslo, Hermansen et al. (2011) and Elgvin et al. (2011), explore the evidence that the Italian Sparrow is the result of past hybridization between the House and Spanish Sparrows.

Passeridae: Old World Sparrows, Snowfinches

Hypocryptadiinae: Cinnamon Ibon Hachisuka 1930

  1. Cinnamon Ibon, Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus

Carpospizinae: Pale Rockfinch Informal

  1. Pale Rockfinch, Carpospiza brachydactyla

Passerinae: Old World Sparrows, Snowfinches Rafinesque, 1815

  1. Rock Sparrow, Petronia petronia
  2. White-rumped Snowfinch, Onychostruthus taczanowskii
  3. Henri's Snowfinch / Tibetan Snowfinch, Montifringilla henrici
  4. White-winged Snowfinch, Montifringilla nivalis
  5. Black-winged Snowfinch, Montifringilla adamsi
  6. Rufous-necked Snowfinch, Pyrgilauda ruficollis
  7. Pere David's Snowfinch, Pyrgilauda davidiana
  8. Afghan Snowfinch, Pyrgilauda theresae
  9. Blanford's Snowfinch, Pyrgilauda blanfordi
  10. Yellow-throated Bush-Sparrow, Gymnoris superciliaris
  11. Sahel Bush-Sparrow, Gymnoris dentata
  12. Chestnut-shouldered Bush-Sparrow / Yellow-throated Sparrow, Gymnoris xanthocollis
  13. Yellow-spotted Bush-Sparrow, Gymnoris pyrgita
  14. Northern Gray-headed Sparrow, Passer griseus
  15. Swainson's Sparrow, Passer swainsonii
  16. Swahili Sparrow, Passer suahelicus
  17. Parrot-billed Sparrow, Passer gongonensis
  18. Southern Gray-headed Sparrow, Passer diffusus
  19. Cape Sparrow, Passer melanurus
  20. Chestnut Sparrow, Passer eminibey
  21. Kordofan Sparrow, Passer cordofanicus
  22. Shelley's Sparrow, Passer shelleyi
  23. Kenya Sparrow, Passer rufocinctus
  24. Great Sparrow, Passer motitensis
  25. Russet Sparrow, Passer rutilans
  26. Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus
  27. Saxaul Sparrow, Passer ammodendri
  28. Iago Sparrow, Passer iagoensis
  29. Desert Sparrow, Passer simplex
  30. Zarudny's Sparrow, Passer zarudnyi
  31. Dead Sea Sparrow, Passer moabiticus
  32. Sudan Golden-Sparrow, Passer luteus
  33. Arabian Golden-Sparrow, Passer euchlorus
  34. Plain-backed Sparrow, Passer flaveolus
  35. Abd al Kuri Sparrow, Passer hemileucus
  36. Socotra Sparrow, Passer insularis
  37. Sind Sparrow, Passer pyrrhonotus
  38. House Sparrow, Passer domesticus
  39. Italian Sparrow, Passer italiae
  40. Spanish Sparrow, Passer hispaniolensis
  41. Somali Sparrow, Passer castanopterus

Nine-primaried Oscines

The nine-primaried oscines are called that because they appear to have nine primary feathers. Actually, they have ten primaries, but the tenth primary is reduced and usually hidden under the ninth primary covert (Hall, 2004). The concept was introduced by Wallace (1874), who referred to them as the Tanagroid Passeres. Wallace's grouping was not a natural group. It also included the waxwings, flowerpeckers (in which Wallace included pardalotes and white-eyes), and swallows.

The nine-primaried oscines repesent a recent development, with most of its families originating less than 15 million years ago. Nonetheless, the nine-primaried oscines are extremely numerous, and account for almost 18% of all passeriformes. To organize this better, we will use family-level and genus-level groups that are younger than those in most other parts of the avian tree. However, things will stay pretty much unchanged for species.

The basal division in the nine-primaried oscines is between the Motacillidae and the “finches”, Sibley and Monroe's broadly-defined Fringillidae. Wagtails and pipits are cosmopolitan birds. They are typically open country insectivores.

Motacillidae: Wagtails, Longclaws & Pipits Horsfield, 1821

8 genera, 67 species HBW-9

Motacillidae tree
Click for Motacillidae tree

The overall organization of the Motacillidae is based on a combination of Alström et al. (2015a), Drovetski et al. (2018), Harris et al. (2018), Outlaw and Voelker (2006b), Van Ells and Norambuena (2018), and Voelker and Edwards (1998). When there are disagreements, the more recent papers have been given heavier weight.

One interesting thing in Alström et al. (2015a) is that their multigene analysis yields a different placement of the longclaws compared with Outlaw and Voelker (2006b). The limited taxon sampling leaves some residual uncertainty, but it has caused me to separate some of Anthus in Corydalla (Vigors, 1825, type richardi) and Cinaedium (Sundevall, 1850, type lineiventre).

Sao Tome Shorttail: The Motacillidae also include two species that were long thought to belong to Sylviidae, the Sao Tome Shorttail (Amaurocichla), and the Madanga (Madanga).

The Sao Tome Shorttail (or Bocage's Longbill) was thought to be related to the Macrosphenus longbills. When the old Sylviidae were broken up, that put it in the crombec family, Macrosphenidae. However, Johansson et al. (2008b) results suggested by it was related to the wagtails and pipits, and possibly sister to the wagtails. Alström et al. (2015a) found it was not only related to the wagtails, but is actually part of Motacilla.

Madanga: More surprisingly, Alström et al. (2015a) also found that the Madanga is actually a pipit, not a white-eye (Sylviioidea: Zosteropidae). In fact, it falls in the genus Anthus. Its closest relative seems to be the Alpine Pipit, Anthus gutturalis. Laurent Raty has pointed out a complication. In 1831, Lesson used the name Anthus ruficollis. The Madanga wasn't named until 1923 by Rothschild and Hartert, so Lesson's ruficollis has priority if both species are placed in Anthus. The fact that Lesson's ruficollis is a junior synonym of Anthus cervinus (orginally Motacilla cervina Pallas 1811) does not eliminate the conflict. Until either a new name is proposed or Lesson's name Anthus ruficollis is suppressed, the Madanga won't have a proper scientic name. For the present, I will refer to it as Anthus “ruficollis”.

Wagtails: The wagtails, and particularly the yellow-colored wagtails, are more troublesome. Mitochondrial DNA analysis (Alström and Mild, 2003; Ödeen and Bjöklund, 2003; Outlaw and Voelker, 2006b, Pavlova et al., 2003) suggests that there are two species of Citrine Wagtail (citreola and werae) and three species of Yellow Wagtail (flava, taivana, and tschutschensis). The AOU has adopted the split of the Eastern Yellow Wagtail (tschutschensis), but takes no official position on the 3-way split. Christidis and Boles (2008) accept the 3-way split with Green-headed Yellow Wagtail, Motacilla taivana, being the third species.

These splits are not followed by Alström and Mild (2003) or by Ödeen and Björklund (2003), both of which also consider nuclear DNA. The nuclear DNA yields a different tree for the wagtails, where macronyx, taivana and tschutschensis form a clade that can be regarded as a species: Eastern Yellow Wagtail, Motacilla tschutschensis. This species is sister to the Gray Wagtail, Motacilla cinerea. The citrine wagtails end up as sisters, and can also be regarded as a single species. Ödeen and Björklund (2003) argue that the mitochondrial tree reflects the effects of past hybridization.

In the end, I have gone with the analysis by Harris et al. (2018). This treats the Citrine and Eastern Yellow Wagtails as sister species, with the Western Yellow Wagtail sister to both, and the whole lot sister to the Gray Wagtail. Drovetski et al. (2018) has a bit different arrangment.

Large Pipits: There have also been questions concerning whether the White Wagtail is a single species. Some authorities have separated lugens as Black-backed Wagtail and yarrelli as Pied Wagtail. However, it is hard to make a genetic case for either of these (see Alström and Mild, 2003; Pavlova et al., 2005; Voelker, 2002), with yarrelli ending up near alba and alba and lugens intertwinned.

Australasian Pipit, Corydalla novaeseelandiae, has been split into Australian Pipit, Corydalla australis, and New Zealand Pipit, Corydalla novaeseelandiae. This split was recommended by Schodde and Mason (1999), but rejected by Christidis and Boles (2008) “in the absence of molecular evidence”. Tavares and Baker (2008) provided limited molecular evidence in the form of a barcode divergence of 4.1%, which is a good indication that they are separate species.

Based on Davies and Peacock (2014), the Kimberley Pipit, Corydalla pseudosimilis, is considered conspecific with African Pipit, Corydalla cinnamomea, and the Long-tailed Pipit, Corydalla longicaudatus, is considered conspecific with Buffy Pipit, Corydalla vaalensis. In both cases, the original collections of these species seem to involve several taxa.

New World Pipits: The New World pipits have been rearranged based on Van Ells and Norambuena (2018). Further, their analysis resulted in two splits and one lump.

  • Peruvian Pipit, Anthus peruvianus, has been split from Yellowish Pipit, Anthus lutescens
  • Puna Pipit, Anthus brevirostris, has been split from Short-billed Pipit, Anthus furcatus.
  • South Georgia Pipit, Anthus antarcticus, has been lumped into Correndera Pipit, Anthus correndera due to very small DNA differences between them.

Motacillinae: Wagtails, Longclaws & Pipits Horsfield, 1821

  1. Forest Wagtail, Dendronanthus indicus
  2. Mountain Wagtail, Motacilla clara
  3. Cape Wagtail, Motacilla capensis
  4. Sao Tome Shorttail, Motacilla bocagii
  5. Madagascan Wagtail, Motacilla flaviventris
  6. Gray Wagtail, Motacilla cinerea
  7. Western Yellow Wagtail, Motacilla flava
  8. Eastern Yellow Wagtail, Motacilla tschutschensis
  9. Citrine Wagtail, Motacilla citreola
  10. White-browed Wagtail, Motacilla maderaspatensis
  11. Mekong Wagtail, Motacilla samveasnae
  12. Japanese Wagtail, Motacilla grandis
  13. White Wagtail, Motacilla alba
  14. African Pied Wagtail, Motacilla aguimp
  15. Upland Pipit, Corydalla sylvana
  16. Australian Pipit, Corydalla australis
  17. New Zealand Pipit, Corydalla novaeseelandiae
  18. Tawny Pipit, Corydalla campestris
  19. Berthelot's Pipit, Corydalla berthelotii
  20. Richard's Pipit, Corydalla richardi
  21. Paddyfield Pipit, Corydalla rufula
  22. Blyth's Pipit, Corydalla godlewskii
  23. Plain-backed Pipit, Corydalla leucophrys
  24. Wood Pipit, Corydalla nyassae
  25. Long-billed Pipit, Corydalla similis
  26. African Pipit, Corydalla cinnamomea
  27. Malindi Pipit, Corydalla melindae
  28. Buffy Pipit, Corydalla vaalensis
  29. Long-legged Pipit, Corydalla pallidiventris
  30. Sokoke Pipit, Cinaedium sokokense
  31. Short-tailed Pipit, Cinaedium brachyurum
  32. Bushveld Pipit, Cinaedium caffrum
  33. Mountain Pipit, Cinaedium hoeschi
  34. Striped Pipit, Cinaedium lineiventre
  35. African Rock Pipit, Cinaedium crenatum
  36. Golden Pipit, Tmetothylacus tenellus
  37. Yellow-breasted Pipit, Hemimacronyx chloris
  38. Sharpe's Longclaw, Hemimacronyx sharpei
  39. Abyssinian Longclaw, Macronyx flavicollis
  40. Fuelleborn's Longclaw, Macronyx fuelleborni
  41. Cape Longclaw, Macronyx capensis
  42. Yellow-throated Longclaw, Macronyx croceus
  43. Pangani Longclaw, Macronyx aurantiigula
  44. Rosy-throated Longclaw, Macronyx ameliae
  45. Grimwood's Longclaw, Macronyx grimwoodi
  46. Sprague's Pipit, Anthus spragueii
  47. Yellowish Pipit, Anthus lutescens
  48. Puna Pipit, Anthus brevirostris
  49. Short-billed Pipit, Anthus furcatus
  50. Peruvian Pipit, Anthus peruvianus
  51. Pampas Pipit, Anthus chacoensis
  52. Paramo Pipit, Anthus bogotensis
  53. Hellmayr's Pipit, Anthus hellmayri
  54. Correndera Pipit, Anthus correndera
  55. Ochre-breasted Pipit, Anthus nattereri
  56. Pechora Pipit, Anthus gustavi
  57. Alpine Pipit, Anthus gutturalis
  58. Madanga, Anthus "ruficollis"
  59. Nilgiri Pipit, Anthus nilghiriensis
  60. Tree Pipit, Anthus trivialis
  61. Olive-backed Pipit, Anthus hodgsoni
  62. Rosy Pipit, Anthus roseatus
  63. Red-throated Pipit, Anthus cervinus
  64. American Pipit / Buff-bellied Pipit, Anthus rubescens
  65. Meadow Pipit, Anthus pratensis
  66. Water Pipit, Anthus spinoletta
  67. Eurasian Rock Pipit, Anthus petrosus

Sibley and Monroe's Fringillidae

Sibley and Monroe's (1990) Fringillidae included all of the remaining birds, over 1000 of them. Most authors use a finely-grained family structure for these species that roughly corresponds to Sibley and Monroe's tribes. The TIF taxonomy divides Sibley and Monroe's Fringillidae into 11 families.

Sibley and Monroe's Fringillidae: TiF Family Tree
Sibley and Monroe's Fringillidae: TiF Family Tree

Fringillidae: Finches, Euphonias Leach, 1819

60 genera, 230 species HBW-15

Not long ago, the chlorophonias and euphonias were considered tanagers. Many guidebooks still list them as such, but it is not so. The AOU recognized them as finches in the 44th checklist supplement (2003), placing them in the subfamily Euphoniinae. Accordingly, they are placed in Fringillidae as a subfamily (Groth, 1998; Klicka et al., 2000; Yuri and Mindell, 2002; Zuccon et al., 2012). The Hawaiian Honeycreepers were once considered a separate family (Drepanididae). They are now thought to form a clade buried inside Carduelinae (Yuri and Mindell, 2002; Arnaiz-Villena et al., 2007b; Lerner et al., 2011; Zuccon et al., 2012). They are treated here as a tribe within Carduelinae.

Fringillidae tree
Click for Fringillidae genus tree

The arrangement of the finches is based on several sources. I originally relied on Groth (1998), Klicka et al. 2007, and Arnaiz-Villena et al. (1998, 1999, 2001, 2007a, b, 2008). Their studies have included a substantial number of finch species. However, some monotypic genera had been left out (e.g., Callacanthis, Chaunoproctus, Kozlowia, Neospiza). These have all been included in the analysis by Zuccon et al. (2012).

The tribes within the Carduelinae are now based on Lerner et al. (2011) and Zuccon et al. (2012). Except for the basal position of the Coccothraustini, there had previously been a lack of consensus on the relationships between the Cardueline tribes. See Yuri and Mindell (2002), Arnaiz-Villena et al. (2007a), Nguembock et al. (2009a), and Töpfer et al. (2011). That has changed with the publication of Lerner et al. (2011) and Zuccon et al. (2012). Although the taxon sampling is different, the two papers are completely consistent at the generic level except for the placement of the Pyrrhulini. Zuccon et al. put the Pyrhullini sister to the Carduelini while Lerner et al. place it sister to the Carpodacini/Drepanidini clade. Note that “European Serin” on Lerner et al.'s tree is a typo as noted in the supplementary material. It actually refers to the White-bellied Canary.

The combination of a large number of genes and attention to the problem of discerning the true species tree in spite of incongruent gene trees has led me to use the overall structure from Lerner et al. (2011). They use a large superset of the genes used by Zuccon et al., but only sample half as many taxa. The TiF tree of genera is 100% consistent with Lerner et al., and except for the placement of Pyrrhulini, is also consistent with Zuccon et al. It's nice to see so much consensus.

The Fringillidae start with a basal Palearctic group, Fringillinae. Fringillinae is comprised of three species, one of which has spread across the northern Palearctic. The remaining Fringillidae fall into two sister clades, Euphoniinae and Carduelinae. The common ancestor of the Euphoniinae/Carduelinae clade was likely an Old World species. Something must connect it with the Neotropical Euphoniinae, but that something is missing without a trace. Being geographically contiguous and more similar in appearance, the position of the Carduelinae is easy to understand. Euphoniinae is a mystery that unscores the importance of extinction in creating the bird distribution we currently see.

Fringillinae: Chaffinches Leach, 1819

The split of the Blue Chaffinch, Fringilla teydea, from Common Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs, was based on on Suárez et al. (2009). The further split of Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinch, Fringilla polatzeki, from Blue Chaffinch, Fringilla teydea, is based on Suárez et al. (2009) and the analysis by Sangster et al. (2016b).

  1. Brambling, Fringilla montifringilla
  2. Common Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs
  3. Blue Chaffinch, Fringilla teydea
  4. Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinch, Fringilla polatzeki

Euphoniinae: Euphonias, Chlorophonias Tschudi, 1846

Zuccon et al. (2012) found evidence that the Antillean Euphonia is more closely related to the chlorophonias than to most euphonias. The two other blue-headed species are usually considered closely related to musica (sometimes treated as one species under the name Blue-hooded Euphonia), so all three have been placed in the genus Cyanophonia (Bonaparte 1851, type musica).

Due mainly to plumage differences between the subspecies, the Antillean Euphonia, Cyanophonia musica has been split into Hispaniolan Euphonia, Cyanophonia musica, Puerto Rican Euphonia, Cyanophonia sclateri, and Lesser Antillean Euphonia, Cyanophonia flavifrons, following the 64th AOS Supplement.

  1. Golden-rumped Euphonia, Cyanophonia cyanocephala
  2. Elegant Euphonia, Cyanophonia elegantissima
  3. Hispaniolan Euphonia, Cyanophonia musica
  4. Puerto Rican Euphonia, Cyanophonia sclateri
  5. Lesser Antillean Euphonia, Cyanophonia flavifrons
  6. Blue-naped Chlorophonia, Chlorophonia cyanea
  7. Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia, Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys
  8. Yellow-collared Chlorophonia, Chlorophonia flavirostris
  9. Blue-crowned Chlorophonia, Chlorophonia occipitalis
  10. Golden-browed Chlorophonia, Chlorophonia callophrys
  11. Jamaican Euphonia, Euphonia jamaica
  12. Plumbeous Euphonia, Euphonia plumbea
  13. Scrub Euphonia, Euphonia affinis
  14. Yellow-crowned Euphonia, Euphonia luteicapilla
  15. Purple-throated Euphonia, Euphonia chlorotica
  16. Trinidad Euphonia, Euphonia trinitatis
  17. Velvet-fronted Euphonia, Euphonia concinna
  18. Orange-crowned Euphonia, Euphonia saturata
  19. Finsch's Euphonia, Euphonia finschi
  20. Violaceous Euphonia, Euphonia violacea
  21. Thick-billed Euphonia, Euphonia laniirostris
  22. Yellow-throated Euphonia, Euphonia hirundinacea
  23. Green-throated Euphonia / Green-chinned Euphonia, Euphonia chalybea
  24. Fulvous-vented Euphonia, Euphonia fulvicrissa
  25. Spot-crowned Euphonia, Euphonia imitans
  26. Olive-backed Euphonia, Euphonia gouldi
  27. Golden-bellied Euphonia / White-lored Euphonia, Euphonia chrysopasta
  28. Bronze-green Euphonia, Euphonia mesochrysa
  29. White-vented Euphonia, Euphonia minuta
  30. Tawny-capped Euphonia, Euphonia anneae
  31. Orange-bellied Euphonia, Euphonia xanthogaster
  32. Rufous-bellied Euphonia, Euphonia rufiventris
  33. Chestnut-bellied Euphonia, Euphonia pectoralis
  34. Golden-sided Euphonia, Euphonia cayennensis

Carduelinae Vigors, 1825

As mentioned above, how the tribes with the Carduelinae relate has been somewhat contentious. There is considerable agreement that the holarctic Coccothraustini are basal. The results of Nguembock et al. (2009a) suggested that Carpodacus and Pyrrhula were fairly closely related to each other, as did Töpfer et al. (2011). Neither had much to say about their relation to the Hawaiian Honeycreepers (Drepanidini). Zuccon et al. (2012) were unable to clearly resolve the position of the honeycreepers (see Fig. 2), but Lerner et al. (2011) place them sister to the rosefinches (Carpodacini). The two together are then sister to the bullfinches and many arid-zone finches (Pyrrhulini). Lerner et al. place the whole lot of them are sister to Carduelini, which includes the American red finches (previously separated as a tribe). As mentioned before, Zuccon et al. disagree, placing Pyrrhulini sister to Carduelini.

Coccothraustini: Grosbeak Finches Swainson, 1831

Zuccon et al. (2012) found that Eophona was embedded within Coccothraustes. A reasonable solution to this problem is to restore the two American species to Hesperiphona and leave the Asian species in a reduced Eophona.

  1. Black-and-yellow Grosbeak, Mycerobas icterioides
  2. Collared Grosbeak, Mycerobas affinis
  3. Spot-winged Grosbeak, Mycerobas melanozanthos
  4. White-winged Grosbeak, Mycerobas carnipes
  5. Evening Grosbeak, Hesperiphona vespertina
  6. Hooded Grosbeak, Hesperiphona abeillei
  7. Hawfinch, Coccothraustes coccothraustes
  8. Chinese Grosbeak, Eophona migratoria
  9. Japanese Grosbeak, Eophona personata

Pyrrhulini: Bullfinches and Arid-zone FinchesVigors, 1825

Click for Pyrrhulini tree
Click for Pyrrhulini tree

Pyrrhulini consists of 3 clades. The first consists of the Pyrrhula bullfinches and Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola). The second and third are sister, and are the arid-zone finches indentified by Arnaiz-Villena et al. (2008). The second clade includes Bucanetes and Rhodopechys. The third consists of the mountain-finches and rosy-finches (Leucosticte), together with several monotypic genera: Procarduelis (Dark-breasted Rosefinch), Agraphospiza (Blanford's Rosefinch), Callacanthis (Spectacled Finch), and Pyrrhoplectes (Golden-naped Finch). Both Procarduelis and Agraphospiza are usually included in Carpodacus.

The bullfinches are arranged based on Töpfer et al. (2011). Kirwan and Gregory (2005) established the monotypic genus Eremopsaltria for the Mongolian Finch, separating it from Bucanetes. However, they acted under the misapprehension that the Mongolian Finch is more likely closer to the Common Rosefinch than to the Trumpeter Finch. Arnaiz-Villena et al. (2008) found a rather different result, with the two Bucanetes as sister taxa, and the rosefinch placed rather distantly from them. Zuccon et al. (2012) confirm this.

Arnaiz-Villena et al. (2008) found that the Dark-breasted Rosefinch, formerly Carpodacus nipalensis belongs in the same clade close to Leucosticte. Rather than folding it in Leucosticte, I restored the genus name Procarduelis (Blyth 1843). I had previously noted that Blanford's Rosefinch is thought to be close to nipalensis. Indeed, Zuccon et al. found it in the other portion of this clade. It is sufficently distant from its sister group (Callacanthis and Pyrrhoplectes) to deserve a separate genus. Zuccon et al. (2012) established the name Agraphospiza for it.

I follow AOU in listing three North American rosy-finches. Some have even suggested further splitting the Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch. They have also been all been lumped into one species in the past. Drovetski et al. (2009) find little genetic difference between the three, suggesting that they may be lumped again.

  1. Pine Grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator
  2. Brown Bullfinch, Pyrrhula nipalensis
  3. White-cheeked Bullfinch, Pyrrhula leucogenis
  4. Eurasian Bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula
  5. Azores Bullfinch, Pyrrhula murina
  6. Orange Bullfinch, Pyrrhula aurantiaca
  7. Red-headed Bullfinch, Pyrrhula erythrocephala
  8. Gray-headed Bullfinch, Pyrrhula erythaca
  9. Trumpeter Finch, Bucanetes githagineus
  10. Mongolian Finch, Bucanetes mongolicus
  11. Eurasian Crimson-winged Finch, Rhodopechys sanguineus
  12. African Crimson-winged Finch, Rhodopechys alienus
  13. Blanford's Rosefinch, Agraphospiza rubescens
  14. Spectacled Finch, Callacanthis burtoni
  15. Golden-naped Finch, Pyrrhoplectes epauletta
  16. Dark-breasted Rosefinch, Procarduelis nipalensis
  17. Plain Mountain-Finch, Leucosticte nemoricola
  18. Brandt's Mountain-Finch, Leucosticte brandti
  19. Asian Rosy-Finch, Leucosticte arctoa
  20. Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Leucosticte tephrocotis
  21. Black Rosy-Finch, Leucosticte atrata
  22. Brown-capped Rosy-Finch, Leucosticte australis

Carpodacini: Rosefinches Bonaparte, 1853

The arrangement of the rosefinches is now based on Päckert et al. (2020b), which improves on the analyses of Tietze et al. (2013) and Zuccon et al. (2012). Now that we had a decent understanding of how the rosefinches relate, and how old the taxa are, we can establish generic limits in a reasonable way, balancing age and coherence.

There is a deep division in the basal clade, which consists of the Common Rosefinch (Erythrina) and the Scarlet Finch (Haematospiza).

The extinct Bonin Grosbeak (aka Chaunoproctus) is basal in the main clade, and is sister to the remaining two dozen rosefinches. These split into two clades.

The first ranges from Blyth's Rosefinch to Taiwan Rosefinch. The Taiwan Rosefinch, Carpodacus formosanus, has been split from Vinaceous Rosefinch, Carpodacus vinaceus, based on Wu et al. (2011).

The second clade includes synoicus group, the former Kozlowia (C. roborowskii), the Rubicilla clade (Streaked and Great Rosefinches), the former Uragus (C. sibiricus), Pyrrhospiza (C. puniceus), and Pinicola subhimachala (aka Propyrrhula subhimachala). It ends with a group including the Carpodacus type species Pallas's Rosefinch, Carpodacus roseus (see Banks and Browning 1995), through C. dubius.

Tietze et al. (2013) found substantial genetic distance between the Sinai Rosefinch in the strict sense C. synoicus synoicus, and the Pale Rosefinch group (subspecies beicki, salimalii, and presumably stoliczkae). These have been suspected of being different species, and I have now split them.

I moved Sillem's Mountain-Finch (rediscovered in June 2012) from Leucosticte (Pyrrhulini) to Carpodacus based on a photo of what is believed to be the female. When Roselaar (1992) named Sillem's Rosefinch, he put it in Leucosticte. At the time, the female plumage was unknown. The other Leucosticte have female plumages that are only slightly different from the male, usually just duller. As Roselaar pointed out, if it has a distinctive female plumage, it would more likely related to Kozlowia (now part of Carpodacus) than to Leucosticte. More recently, Muzika (2014) has made the same point. Yann Muzika's photo of the probable female Sillem's shows a bird that is quite different from the adult male. See Kazmierczak and Muzika (2012) for an account of this rediscovery and Muzika (2014) for further observations.

A DNA analysis by Sangster et al. (2016a) has confirmed that Sillem's Mountain-Finch is a Carpodacus rosefinch, and as expected, is sister to Tibetan Rosefinch, Carpodacus roborowskii.

Tietze et al. (2013) also found a surprisingly small genetic distance between the Caucasian and Spotted Great-Rosefinches (rubicilla and severtzovi) and recommended lumping them. Although I have followed that advice, further study is in order. Rasmussen and Anderton (2005) recommended splitting them based on differences in plumage, habitat, and voice.

The genus Carpodacus has been divided into the following genera:

  • Common Rosefinch, Carpodacus erythrinus, is transferred to Erythrina (Brehm 1828, monotypic)
  • Scarlet Finch, Carpodacus sipahi, is transferred to Haematospiza (Blyth 1845, monotypic)
  • Bonin Grosbeak, Carpodacus ferreorostris, is transferred to Chaunoproctus (Bonaparte 1850, monotypic)
  • Sinai Rosefinch, Carpodacus synoicus, and Pale Rosefinch, Carpodacus stoliczkae need a genus name. For now, I'll list them as "Carpodacus"
  • Sillem's Mountain-Finch, Carpodacus sillemi, and Tibetan Rosefinch, Carpodacus roborowskii, are transferred to Kozlowia (Bianchi 1907, type roborowskii)
  • Red-fronted Rosefinch, Carpodacus punicea, and Crimson-browed Finch, Carpodacus subhimachala, are transferred to Propyrrhula (Hodgson 1844, type subhimachala)
  • Long-tailed Rosefinch, Carpodacus sibiricus, is transferred to Uragus (Keyserling and Blasius 1840, monotypic)
  • Further, Long-tailed Rosefinch, Uragus sibiricus is split into Siberian Long-tailed Rosefinch, Uragus sibiricus, including sanguinolentus and ussuriensis, and Chinese Long-tailed Rosefinch, Uragus lepidus, including henrici, based on Liu et al. (2020). They suggest synonymizing ussuriensis with sanguinolentus, although IOC has not followed that suggestion.
  • Pallas's Rosefinch, Carpodacus roseus and the three following species remain in Carpodacus (Kaup 1829, type roseus)
  • Streaked Rosefinch, Carpodacus rubicilloides, and Great Rosefinch, Carpodacus rubicilla, are transferred to Rubicilla (Bonaparte and Schlegel 1850 type rubicilla)
  • Blyth's Rosefinch, Carpodacus grandis, through Taiwan Rosefinch, Carpodacus formosanus (11 species) are transferred to Propasser (Hodgson 1844 type rodopeplus)
Click for Carpodacini tree
Click for Carpodacini tree
  1. Common Rosefinch, Erythrina erythrina
  2. Scarlet Finch, Haematospiza sipahi
  3. †Bonin Grosbeak, Chaunoproctus ferreorostris
  4. Sinai Rosefinch, "Carpodacus" synoicus
  5. Pale Rosefinch, "Carpodacus" stoliczkae
  6. Sillem's Mountain-Finch, Kozlowia sillemi
  7. Tibetan Rosefinch, Kozlowia roborowskii
  8. Red-fronted Rosefinch, Propyrrhula punicea
  9. Crimson-browed Finch, Propyrrhula subhimachala
  10. Siberian Long-tailed Rosefinch, Uragus sibiricus
  11. Chinese Long-tailed Rosefinch, Uragus lepidus
  12. Pallas's Rosefinch, Carpodacus roseus
  13. Three-banded Rosefinch, Carpodacus trifasciatus
  14. Himalayan White-browed Rosefinch, Carpodacus thura
  15. Chinese White-browed Rosefinch, Carpodacus dubius
  16. Streaked Rosefinch, Rubicilla rubicilloides
  17. Great Rosefinch, Rubicilla rubicilla
  18. Blyth's Rosefinch, Propasser grandis
  19. Red-mantled Rosefinch, Propasser rhodochlamys
  20. Pink-rumped Rosefinch, Propasser waltoni
  21. Himalayan Beautiful-Rosefinch, Propasser pulcherrimus
  22. Chinese Beautiful-Rosefinch, Propasser davidianus
  23. Dark-rumped Rosefinch, Propasser edwardsii
  24. Pink-browed Rosefinch, Propasser rodochroa
  25. Sharpe's Rosefinch, Propasser verreauxii
  26. Spot-winged Rosefinch, Propasser rodopeplus
  27. Vinaceous Rosefinch, Propasser vinaceus
  28. Taiwan Rosefinch, Propasser formosanus

Drepanidini Cabanis, 1847

The results in both Lerner et al. (2011) and Zuccon et al. (2012) support the Drepanidini as sister to Carpodacini (not just the Common Rosefinch, as might be inferred from the press coverage). Interestingly, the extinct Bonin Grosbeak is a relatively basal member of the Carpodacini. Perhaps it too is a relic of the spread of the ancestral Carpodacini/Drepanidini into the Pacific.

The order here is based on a combination of the DNA study of Lerner et al. (2011) and the osteological study of James (2004). Fleischer et al. (2001), Pratt (2001), Arnaiz-Villena et al. (2007b), and Reding et al. (2009) have also been consulted. It fits nicely with morphology (look at bill shapes in each clade) and subfossil taxa can be easily accomodated using James (2004). This is pretty similar to the previous version, but tweaked based on Lerner et al. (2011), which greatly decreases the conjecture needed, and increases my confidence in it.

The genera Palmeria, Himatione, and Vestiaria have been merged into Drepanis. The genetic distance between them seems to be small (Lerner et al., 2011) and there is evidence of hybridization between Vestiaria and Himatione (Knowlton et al., 2014). Olson (2012b) also argues that this is a reasonable treatment. Although I think the genera I use for the Hawaiian Honeycreepers are oversplit, I consider the AOU genera even more oversplit. I haven't gone further on the lumping because data on the extinct species is too limited.

Although Pratt (2009) has established the genus Manucerthia for the Hawaiian Creeper, Loxops mana, I have not adopted it. Lerner et al. (2011) make clear that the Hawaiian Creeper is sister to the other Loxops. Moreover, they shared a common ancestor about 2 million years ago and do not seem so different as to justify introducing an extra genus into a tribe that already has too many genera.

I have kept the genus Akialoa merged with Hemignathus as Akialoa appears to be paraphyletic (see the trees in James, 2004). However, portions of Hemignathus have been split off as Chlorodrepanis and Viridonia. This has allowed restoration of the name Hemignathus wilsoni for the Akiapolaau (Hemignathus munroi). When Chlorodrepanis virens is subsumed in Hemignathus, the name wilsoni belongs to a subspecies of virens. The situation with the Kauai Amakihi, Chlorodrepanis stejnegeri is similar. In Hemignathus, the name stejnegeri belongs to a subspecies of the Greater Akialoa, Hemignathus ellisianus stejnegeri, and the Kauai Amakihi uses the substitute name H. kauaiensis.

I follow the AOU decisions (56th supplement) to split the Apapane, Akepa, Greater Akialoa, and Nukupuu. Thus:

  • Apapane, Drepanis (Himatione) sanguinea is split into
    • Laysan Honeycreeper, Drepanis fraithii (extinct)
    • Apapane, Drepanis sanguinea
  • Akepa / Hawaii Akepa, Loxops coccineus is split into
    • Oahu Akepa, Loxops wolstenholmei (probably extinct)
    • Maui Akepa, Loxops ochraceus (probably extinct)
    • Hawaii Akepa, Loxops coccineus
  • Nukupuu, Hemignathus lucidus, is split into
    • Kauai Nukupuu, Hemignathus hanapepe (probably extinct)
    • Oahu Nukupuu, Hemignathus lucidus (probably extinct)
    • Maui Nukupuu, Hemignathus affinis (possibly extinct)
  • Greater Akialoa, Hemignathus ellisianus, is split into
    • Kauai Akialoa, Hemignathus stejnegeri (extinct)
    • Oahu Akialoa, Hemignathus ellisianus (extinct)
    • Maui-nui Akialoa, Hemignathus lanaiensis (extinct)

This changes clade sizes and I have also reordered the Hawaiian Honeycreepers as a result.

Click for Drepanidini species tree
Click for Drepanidini species tree
  1. Poo-uli, Melamprosops phaeosoma
  2. Akikiki / Kaui Creeper, Oreomystis bairdi
  3. Oahu Alauahio / Oahu Creeper, Paroreomyza maculata
  4. Kakawahie / Molokai Creeper, Paroreomyza flammea
  5. Maui Alauahio / Maui Creeper, Paroreomyza montana
  6. Laysan Finch, Telespiza cantans
  7. Nihoa Finch, Telespiza ultima
  8. Palila, Loxioides bailleui
  9. Kona Grosbeak, Chloridops kona
  10. Lesser Koa-Finch, Rhodacanthis flaviceps
  11. Greater Koa-Finch, Rhodacanthis palmeri
  12. Ula-ai-hawane, Ciridops anna
  13. Akohekohe / Crested Honeycreeper, Drepanis dolei
  14. Laysan Honeycreeper, Drepanis fraithii
  15. Apapane, Drepanis sanguinea
  16. Iiwi, Drepanis coccinea
  17. Black Mamo, Drepanis funerea
  18. Hawaii Mamo, Drepanis pacifica
  19. Greater Amakihi, Viridonia sagittirostris
  20. Anianiau, Magumma parva
  21. Hawaii Amakihi, Chlorodrepanis virens
  22. Kauai Amakihi, Chlorodrepanis stejnegeri
  23. Oahu Amakihi, Chlorodrepanis flava
  24. Hawaii Creeper, Loxops mana
  25. Akekee / Kauai Akepa, Loxops caeruleirostris
  26. Oahu Akepa, Loxops wolstenholmei
  27. Maui Akepa, Loxops ochraceus
  28. Hawaii Akepa, Loxops coccineus
  29. Ou, Psittirostra psittacea
  30. Lanai Hookbill, Dysmorodrepanis munroi
  31. Maui Parrotbill / Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys
  32. Lesser Akialoa / Hawaii Akialoa, Hemignathus obscurus
  33. Kauai Akialoa, Hemignathus stejnegeri
  34. Oahu Akialoa, Hemignathus ellisianus
  35. Maui-nui Akialoa, Hemignathus lanaiensis
  36. Akiapolaau, Hemignathus wilsoni
  37. Kauai Nukupuu, Hemignathus hanapepe
  38. Oahu Nukupuu, Hemignathus lucidus
  39. Maui Nukupuu, Hemignathus affinis

Carduelini: Canaries, Siskins and allies Vigors, 1825

This brings us to the Carduelini. It has become apparent that the North American Carpodacus finches are not that closely related to the true Carpodacus finches. Previously, the TiF list used the genus Burrica, also used as a subgenus by AOU (2nd-5th AOU checklists). However, the oldest available name seems to be Erythrospiza (Bonaparte 1830, type purpurea—compare Haemorhous Swainson, 1837, type purpureus or Burrica Ridgway, 1887, type mexicana). Erythrospiza appears to be sister to the rest of the Carduelini, and rather distantly related. Perhaps it would even make sense to treat it as a separate tribe (as done previously in the TiF list).

Click for Carduelini tree
Click for Carduelini tree

I follow the recent paper by Zuccon et al. (2012) to arrange the various Cardueline genera. Lerner et al. (2011) gives essentially identical results for the taxa they included. Previous studies did a decent job at the generic level, and sometimes for groups of genera, but were unable to get strong support for any method of arranging them. Thus the papers by Arnaiz-Villena et al. (1998, 1999, 2001, 2007a, b, 2008) and Zamora et al. (2006) have been used in ordering the species and determing the exact generic boundaries. Unfortunately, the papers by Arnaiz-Villena and colleagues have been completely useless for determining deeper relations. One wonders whey they continue to reuse the same data rather than collecting more. Nguembock et al. (2009a) has also been helpful at higher levels, but I rely on Lerner et al. and Zuccon et al. for the overall structure.

The various studies of the finches have made it clear that the genera Carduelis and Serinus both required substantial surgery. The alternative for Carduelis would be to put almost all of the Carduelini into one genus! For Serinus, the alternative is less drastic, mainly because Carduelis has priority. Neither of these outcomes is particuarly desirable, so both Serinus and Carduelis have been divided into several pieces each.

As constituted here, Carduelini contains 4 major clades. As mentioned above, the first clade includes only a single genus: Erythrospiza — the American purple finches. The genus has been changed from Haemorhous (Swainson 1837) to Erythrospiza (Bonaparte 1830) type purpurea as the latter has priority.

Greenfinches and Golden-winged Grosbeaks: The second clade includes the Chloris greenfinches (sometimes included in Carduelis), the Desert Finch (Rhodospiza), and the the Golden-winged Grosbeaks (Rhynchostruthus). Kirwan and Grieve (2007) argue that Rhynchostruthus includes three species.

Siskins and allies: The third Carduelini clade is exclusively Afrotropical. The Oriole Finch (Linurgus) is sister to the rest. These closely related birds are variously called canaries, seedeaters, serins, and siskins and are all placed in the genus Crithagra. The species-level phylogeny still needs some work, as might be guessed from the question marks, polytomies, and blue ink.

I recognize several subgenera. Besides Crithagra, there are Dendrospiza, Neospiza, Pseudochloroptila, and Ochrospiza. All are marked on the species tree.

Subgenus Crithagra includes most of the larger African canaries and allies.

The Sao Tome Grosbeak has usually been included in Neospiza. Stervander (2010) found that the Principe Seedeater is it's closest relative and both species together form subgenus Neospiza. In fact, Stervander found that the Sao Tome subspecies of the seedeater (thomensis) appeared more closely related to the Sao Tome Grosbeak than to the seedeater. The two birds are quite distinct, and it seems unreasonable to put them in one species. Perhaps the genetic results are a sign of introgression.

It's not entirely clear whether subgenus Pseudochloroptila belongs in subgenus Ochrospiza, so they are kept separate. Both the Yemen Serin, Crithagra menachensis, and Ankober Serin, Crithagra ankoberensis, remain somewhat mysterious. These have be considered conspecific by some, or in separate genera by others. I have little confidence in their placement here (hence the blue color on the tree), but it seems at least as reasonable as any other. This clade is expected to get a revision when more information becomes available.

Linnets: The fourth Carduelini clade is more cosmopolitan. The basal piece includes the Palearctic Linnets (Linaria, formerly Carduelis), which are sister to the holarctic Redpolls (now Acanthis rather than Carduelis) and crossbills (Loxia). There is some uncertainty about the linnets. The mitochondrial dna consistently puts them near the siskins and American goldfinches rather than near the redpolls and crossbills. The nuclear dna does the opposite. Since they seem more akin to the redpolls and crossbills, and since the combined analysis puts them there, I have followed suit.

Redpolls: The redpolls themselves are an interesting case. It's not clear how many redpoll species there are. There is evidence that at least two are good biological species (e.g., Knox, 1988). In fact, Knox et al. (2001) support separation of Lesser Redpoll, Acanthis cabaret. However, genetic studies have failed to find any differences between Lesser and Common Redpolls (Ottvall et al., 2002). Worse, Marthinsen et al. (2008) found little genetic difference between any of the redpolls! There may be only one redpoll species. Indeed, Mason and Taylor's detailed study using SNP's (2015) found little genetic differentiation among the redpolls. At this point the balance of the evidence is that there is only one species involved. As a result, I've lumped them all as a single species, Redpoll, Acanthis flammea.

Crossbills: A number of genetic studies have been done on the crossbills, and it's time the crossbills got a new taxonomy. Since Groth (1988, 1993) ornithologists have tried to use call notes to separate crossbill species. DNA has made clear that call notes are sometimes relevant, but are often not. This may be partly due to the fact that crossbill call notes are learned (Keenan and Benkman, 2008; Martin et al., 2024).

Fortunately, we have DNA to enlighten us. The basic genetic structure of Loxia had already appeared in Parchman, Benkman, and Mezquida (2007), but no one realized it. This may be because the paper didn't deal with all of the crossbills that were then recognized as species. It lacked both Scottish and Parrot Crossbills. It also didn't it go into detail about the crossbill flight calls or the relation between crossbills and pines, other than on the island of Hispaniola. It did successfully argue that the Hispaniolan Crossbill, Loxia megaplaga, is a separate species. However, there is more we can learn from this paper.

Let's see what Figure 4 of Parchman et al. (2007) can tell us. It starts with a basal split in the crossbills that happened about 1.5 mya (I've scaled their calibration numbers based on Fig. 4). That split separated the plain-winged crossbills and the barred-winged crossbills. The barred-winged clade splits at about 0.9 mya into Old and New World clades, and the New World clade splits again around 0.7 mya into a northern group and one now confined to Hispaniola.

Parchman et al. argued for species status for the Hispaniolan Crossbill, Loxia megaplaga, which is well-separated from the other North American crossbills, and closely tied to the Hispaniolan Pine, Pinus occidentalis. However, the earlier split, into Old and New World populations is old enough to give them species status too. That split occurred nearly a million years ago. The two taxa are also well-separated geographically, suggesting little gene flow. That gives us the Two-barred Crossbill, Loxia bifasciata in Eurasia (mostly breeding in Russia) and the White-winged Crossbill, Loxia leucoptera in North America. This gives all three recognized subspecies of L. leucoptera species status.

Continuing with Parchman et al. (2007), they also found a split in the plain-winged crossbills about that occurred slightly later than that in the barred-winged clade, roughly 0.85 mya. That suggests the New and Old World clades are also separate species, the Common Crossbill, Loxia curvirostra of Eurasia and North Africa, and the Red Crossbill, Loxia minor of North and Middle America. The geographic separation is not as strong for plain-winged crossbills, but we'll see later that there's genetic evidence of a lack of gene-flow between them.

Version 14.2 of the IOC list includes 22 subspecies in the plain-winged group, 13 in the Old World clade, and 9 in the New World clade. The IOC gives three of them species status, but the data leads me to a different conclusion. To start, we turn to the phylogenetic tree Laurent Raty, constructed and posted on BirdForum in 2017. It mostly includes plain-winged crossbills. The arrangement of the few barred-winged crossbills is only weakly supported. He has helpfully colored the Red Crossbills using orange for the New World taxa and green for the Old World taxa. You'll notice that none end up in the other group, supporting the idea that there is little gene flow between them.

Raty's tree also lets us address the status of the Scottish and Parrot crossbills. Before continuing, we should recall the biological species concept. A species consists of group(s) of interbreeding populations that are reproductively isolated from other populations. That isolation can occur in different ways, it could be geographic isolation, or it could be that the species cannot produce fertile offspring, as is the case when Mallards interbreed with Muscovy Ducks. There are sometimes offspring, but they are infertile.

Summers et al. (2007) argued that the three crossbill subspecies in Scotland, curvirostra, scotica, and pytyopsittacus, are separate species based on positive assortative mating. I found this unconvincing. Their sample sizes are not large enough to show that gene flow is very small. Indeed, if I understand correctly, gene flow between the taxa could be over 4%. I'm not an expert on these matters, but from what I've read, that's more that enough to maintain the ability to interbreed. In other words, the populations curvirostra, scotica, and pytyopsittacus are in the same biological species. In that case, the lack of strong geographical separation suggests they may be best thought of as morphs, not subspecies. But there's also the assortative mating, so I'm just not sure.

Since assortative mating didn't help, we return to the DNA. Potential species show up in phylogenetic trees as clades, subtrees of the phylogenetic tree, or at least nearly so. If two types of crossbills have not interbred for a long time, they should each be in their own subtree. This is called reciprocal monophyly. If one species has recently separated from a parent species, it should have its own subtree, but the parent species may consist of two or more subtrees, a phenomenon known as incomplete lineage sorting. It takes time for the still interbreeding parts of the parent species to become each others closest relatives again.

But we don't see anything resembling a subtree for either the Scottish Crossbill, L. scotica, or the Parrot Crossbill, L. pytyopsittacus in the Raty tree. They are scattered throughout the Old World portion of the tree. To drive home the point, focus on pytyopsittacus. One is near a japonica, one is sister to a luzonensis, others group with a himalayensis, the rest are scattered about the tree. They don't group together, and neither do the Scottish Crossbills. They are not species.

As if that's not enough, Parchman et al. (2018) analyzed over 18,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (sites that differed across the crossbill specimens), sampled from Europe and N. Africa. The results are illustrated in their Figure 3. Although it contains data from across Europe and North Africa, it focuses on the subspecies of Spain and Morocco. Again scotica and pytyopsittacus did not form clades. This means that two independent genetic analyses on different data sets fail to support the hypothesis that the Scottish and Parrot crossbills are species. There's just no strong evidence in favor them being biological species.

Before leaving Parchman et al. (2018), we should note that two of the species sampled by Parchman et al. (2018), show up as clades. These are Moroccan subspecies poliogyna, sampled from the Atlas Mountains, and balearica, sampled from Mallorca. The subspecies hispana, sampled from Málaga is in 3 pieces. The crossbills from Morocco and the Baleric Islands may deserve more attention. It's possible that hispana may also be in the process of speciation.

Finally, we turn our attention to the North American plain-winged crossbills, L. minor.* Benkman et al. (2009) made a case for considering the call type 9 crossbills of southern Idaho to be a separate species, Cassia Crossbill, Loxia sinesciuris. The AOS finally accepted it as a species in 2017, following the appearance of Parchman (2016). The proposal, and comments about are available on the AOS website. See proposal 2017-A-4.

Parchman et al. (2016) used over 18,000 crossbill SNP's to construct the phylogenetic tree in their Figure 1. The same tree also appears in AOU proposal 2017-A-4. They had data representing 37 Cassia Crossbills. They form a clade. The Cassia Crossbill and the other North American Red Crossbills are not reciprocally monophyletic, reflecting the extremely recent split of the Cassia Crossbill (probably within the last 6,000 years)

The recency of the split has made me a bit reluctant to accept it, but the data strongly suggest the Cassia Crossbill is reproductively isolated. Perhaps I'm wrong to worry about that. A 2025 paper on dog evolution (Elzinga et al., 2025) argues that even without human intervention, dogs could have evolved from wolves in as little as 8,000 years.

I also worry that the isolation seems to be partly based on soft barriers, such as song and call type, which are both learned (Sewall 2009, 2010). Nonetheless, the balance of the current evidence is strongly in favor of adding the Cassia Crossbill to the TiF list, and I have done so.

I also wonder what the chances are of getting a clade from a geographically restricted group of crossbills (or any bird species). In particular, there is a second such clade in Parchman et al. (2016). It consists of 13 crossbills from the Chiricahua mountains of SE Arizona. These are presumably L. m. stricklandi, sometimes called the Mexican Crossbill, call type 6. Are they also a separate species? Or would additional samples from Mexico overturn the result? What about the crossbills south and east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec? That is subspecies mesamericana, call type 11? These questions await further analysis.

Keeping in mind that the Scottish Crossbill, Loxia scotica, and Parrot Crossbill, Loxia pytyopsittacus are now included in the Common Crossbill, Loxia curvirostra, we are left with the following six crossbill species:

  • Common Crossbill, Loxia curvirostra, including pytyopsittacus, scotica, balearica, corsicana, poliogyna, guillemardi, altaiensis, tianschanica, himalayensis, meridionalis, japonica, and luzoniensis.
  • Red Crossbill, Loxia minor, including percna, sitkensis, bendirei, benti, grinnelli, and, for now, stricklandi and mesamericana.
  • Cassia Crossbill, Loxia sinesciuris (monotypic)
  • Two-barred Crossbill, Loxia bifasciata (monotypic)
  • White-winged Crossbill, Loxia leucoptera (monotypic)
  • Hispaniolan Crossbill, Loxia megaplaga (monotypic)

Carudelis Finches: The other piece of this final clade includes the true Carduelis and Serinus finches of the Palearctic. It starts with the Mountain Serin of Indonesia and the Philippines. The Mountain Serin is sometimes considered part of Serinus, but I've had it in its own genus, Chrysocorythus, for a while. Zuccon et al. (2012) found Chrysocorythus sister to the true Carduelis finches, now reduced to the European Goldfinch and the Corsican and Citril Finches. These two genera together are sister to the rest of the clade.

The now-reduced Serinus comes next, followed by the Tibetan Serin. It's in Chionomitris rather than Serinus.

Most of the remaining Carduelini are from the Americas. There are two classification schemes in current use. The AOU's NACC puts them all together in genus Spinus. The AOU's SACC separates them into three genera: The North American goldfinches, Astragalinus; the northern siskins Spinus; and the Middle and South American siskins, Sporagra. Astragalinus splits off first, and the final division is between Spinus and Sporagra.

Several Carduelis siskins have moved to Spinus (including Lesser Antillean Siskin). In another taxonomic note, the Pine Siskin, Spinus pinus, and Black-capped Siskin, Spinus atriceps, are quite close. Some have suggested they are conspecific. Although they don't comment on it, the genetic tree in Arnaiz-Villena et al. (2008) suggests another possibility. The subspecies perplexus may actually belong to S. atriceps, as had been suggested by Banks in 1982 (see a 2008 AOU proposal).

The placement of Spinus may be a little soft. E.g., in Nguembock et al. (2009a), it appeared in different places in the combined tree (their Figure 4) and some of the individual gene trees. This is the subject of some discussion in Nguembock et al. The arrangement here is based on Zuccon et al. (2012) and Beckman and Witt (2015).

These three genera were formerly considered part of Carduelis. The AOU currently treats them all as Spinus, and rejected a proposal to make these last two generic splits, also proposed by Nguembock et al.

One has to be careful with the genus name for the South American siskins. Both Sporagra (Reichenbach 1850, type magellanica) and Pyrrhomitris (Bonaparte 1850, type cucullata) come into consideration. The publication date of Sporagra seems to be June 1, 1850. The publication date for Pyrrhomitris is not as clear. Bonaparte's “Conspectus generum avium” was published in sections beginning in mid-1850. The first part was already available in mid-June, and likely published a bit earlier, perhaps earlier than Reichenbach. However, Pyrrhomitris was not included in the section I, nor was it even included in the first part of section II (published by Oct 15, 1850). It appeared in the second part of section II (dated Nov 10, 1850 and certainly published before Feb 3, 1851). If I understand the ICZN correctly, the parts should be treated as separate publications, in which case it appeared either in the later part of 1850 or early 1851. That would give priority to Reichenbach's Sporagra. In this case there is further evidence of which was published first. Bonaparte refers to Sporagra on page 516, the page before he establishes Pyrrhomitris.

Based on Beckman and Witt (2015), the Hooded Siskin, Sporagra magellanica, has been split into Lowland Hooded Siskin, Sporagra magellanica, and Andean Hooded Siskin, Sporagra capitalis. We lack complete information on the subspecies, but I've tentatively allocated boliviana, alleni, icterica, longirostris, and magellanica to the lowland group, S. magellanica, and capitalis, paula, peruana, urubambensis, santaecrucis, hoyi, and tucumana to the Andean group, S. capitalis. The genetic distances between the capitalis group and atrata, crassirostris, siemiradzkii is razor-thin, calling their species status into question. Even uropygialis appears to be closely related to the capitalis group. Further study is needed to sort out these taxa.

  1. House Finch, Erythrospiza mexicana
  2. Purple Finch, Erythrospiza purpurea
  3. Cassin's Finch, Erythrospiza cassinii
  4. Desert Finch, Rhodospiza obsoleta
  5. Socotra Golden-winged Grosbeak, Rhynchostruthus socotranus
  6. Arabian Golden-winged Grosbeak, Rhynchostruthus percivali
  7. Somali Golden-winged Grosbeak, Rhynchostruthus louisae
  8. European Greenfinch, Chloris chloris
  9. Oriental Greenfinch / Gray-capped Greenfinch, Chloris sinica
  10. Yellow-breasted Greenfinch, Chloris spinoides
  11. Vietnamese Greenfinch, Chloris monguilloti
  12. Black-headed Greenfinch, Chloris ambigua
  13. Oriole Finch, Linurgus olivaceus
  14. Thick-billed Seedeater, Crithagra burtoni
  15. Protea Seedeater / Protea Canary, Crithagra leucoptera
  16. Kipengere Seedeater, Crithagra melanochroa
  17. Streaky Seedeater, Crithagra striolata
  18. Yellow-browed Seedeater, Crithagra whytii
  19. White-throated Canary, Crithagra albogularis
  20. Brimstone Canary, Crithagra sulphurata
  21. Yellow Canary, Crithagra flaviventris
  22. Northern Grosbeak-Canary, Crithagra donaldsoni
  23. Southern Grosbeak-Canary, Crithagra buchanani
  24. Brown-rumped Seedeater, Crithagra tristriata
  25. Reichard's Seedeater, Crithagra reichardi
  26. Black-eared Seedeater, Crithagra mennelli
  27. West African Seedeater, Crithagra canicapilla
  28. Streaky-headed Seedeater, Crithagra gularis
  29. Principe Seedeater, Crithagra rufobrunnea
  30. Sao Tome Grosbeak, Crithagra concolor
  31. Black-faced Canary, Crithagra capistrata
  32. Papyrus Canary, Crithagra koliensis
  33. Forest Canary, Crithagra scotops
  34. African Citril, Crithagra citrinelloides
  35. Western Citril, Crithagra frontalis
  36. Southern Citril, Crithagra hyposticta
  37. Cape Siskin, Crithagra totta
  38. Drakensberg Siskin, Crithagra symonsi
  39. Yemen Serin, Crithagra menachensis
  40. Ankober Serin, Crithagra ankoberensis
  41. White-bellied Canary, Crithagra dorsostriata
  42. Yellow-fronted Canary, Crithagra mozambica
  43. Lemon-breasted Canary, Crithagra citrinipectus
  44. White-rumped Seedeater, Crithagra leucopygia
  45. Black-throated Canary, Crithagra atrogularis
  46. Yellow-rumped Seedeater, Crithagra xanthopygia
  47. Reichenow's Seedeater, Crithagra reichenowi
  48. Arabian Seedeater / Arabian Serin, Crithagra rothschildi
  49. Yellow-throated Seedeater, Crithagra flavigula
  50. Salvadori's Seedeater, Crithagra xantholaema
  51. Twite, Linaria flavirostris
  52. Common Linnet, Linaria cannabina
  53. Yemen Linnet, Linaria yemenensis
  54. Warsangli Linnet, Linaria johannis
  55. Redpoll, Acanthis flammea
  56. Common Crossbill, Loxia curvirostra
  57. Red Crossbill, Loxia minor
  58. Cassia Crossbill, Loxia sinesciuris
  59. Two-barred Crossbill, Loxia bifasciata
  60. White-winged Crossbill, Loxia leucoptera
  61. Hispaniolan Crossbill, Loxia megaplaga
  62. Mountain Serin, Chrysocorythus estherae
  63. European Goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis
  64. Citril Finch, Carduelis citrinella
  65. Corsican Finch, Carduelis corsicana
  66. Island Canary / Atlantic Canary, Serinus canaria
  67. European Serin, Serinus serinus
  68. Syrian Serin, Serinus syriacus
  69. Red-fronted Serin, Serinus pusillus
  70. Ethiopian Siskin, Serinus nigriceps
  71. Black-headed Canary, Serinus alario
  72. Yellow-crowned Canary, Serinus flavivertex
  73. Cape Canary, Serinus canicollis
  74. Tibetan Serin, Chionomitris thibetana
  75. Lawrence's Goldfinch, Astragalinus lawrencei
  76. American Goldfinch, Astragalinus tristis
  77. Lesser Goldfinch, Astragalinus psaltria
  78. Antillean Siskin, Spinus dominicensis
  79. Eurasian Siskin, Spinus spinus
  80. Pine Siskin, Spinus pinus
  81. Black-capped Siskin, Spinus atriceps
  82. Black-headed Siskin, Sporagra notata
  83. Red Siskin, Sporagra cucullata
  84. Black-chinned Siskin, Sporagra barbata
  85. Andean Siskin, Sporagra spinescens
  86. Olivaceous Siskin, Sporagra olivacea
  87. Yellow-bellied Siskin, Sporagra xanthogastra
  88. Yellow-faced Siskin, Sporagra yarrellii
  89. Lowland Hooded Siskin, Sporagra magellanica
  90. Yellow-rumped Siskin, Sporagra uropygialis
  91. Andean Hooded Siskin, Sporagra capitalis
  92. Saffron Siskin, Sporagra siemiradzkii
  93. Thick-billed Siskin, Sporagra crassirostris
  94. Black Siskin, Sporagra atrata

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