Pantanal Wildlife Center II
It was cold this morning and the bus had difficulty starting. Because
of this, we started the day by walking the road into the Pantanal Wildlife
Center again, hoping for a better look at the Xenopsaris, and at other
birds. On the way we found some
Chestnut-bellied Guans and
Blue-throated Piping-Guans. We also checked an area where
Nick had previously noticed a Pearly-vented Tody-Tyrant.
This time we got it. The Xenopsaris was somewhat troublesome. It did come
out in the open, but faced away from us. Then it flew off. Since some of
the group missed it the first time, that was an improvement. However, as the
one who spotted it the first time, the view was about the same.
Plumbeous Ibis |
Guira Cuckoos |
We took a short break, during which I photographed some of the birds around the lodge.
After the break, we walked out into the gallery forest along the
Rio Pixaim again. The birds were much the same, although we found a
Gilded Hummingbird. I caught up on the
Strong-billed Woodcreeper, and we all got better looks
at many of the birds we'd seen before. A nice flock provided a lot of
excitement. Unlike last time, this time I could ID many of the birds
myself, which was nice. Although we did not get a lot of birds, I found
the re-encounters quite valuable.
Saffron Finch |
Chopi Blackbird |
White-tipped Dove |
Cattle Tyrant |
Chaco Chachalaca |
Gilded Hummingbird |
We took a break after lunch. A Southern Caracara by the lodge brought me out with the camera.
I then wandered around a bit photographing some of the larger birds.
Southern Caracara |
Whistling Heron |
Jabiru Tower |
Jabirus |
Greater Rhea |
Later, we took another boat ride on
the Pixaim. The birds were fairly similar, although we missed Agami
Heron and Undulated Tinamou. We all got excellent looks at the Giant Otters, which we enticed out
with some fish. After that, we went ashore in search a roosting Great Potoo. I'm more used to
photographing them at night! Before we returned, some of the group
(not me) also got a glimpse of Neotropical River Otters.
Gray-necked Wood-Rail |
Yacare Caiman |
Giant Otter |
Giant Otter |
Great Potoo |
Sunbittern |
Great Potoo |
Boat-billed Heron |
Boat-billed Heron |
Lodge Return |
We again waited for nighthawks. The Nacunda and Band-tailed Nighthawks showed
up as expected, but the Black Skimmers skimming along at dusk were a surprise.
My bird total for the day was 121 species, including 3 lifers. The trip
total increased by 5 to 563 species (560 seen), with 334 lifers.
Pantanal Wildlife Center, Pantanal