This web page contains information on rare bird sightings in
SE Florida (Miami-Dade, Monroe, Broward, and Palm Beach counties).
A companion page covers sightings prior to November.
November 2001
The persistent east winds in late October, and the storm winds of Hurricane Michelle brought some pelagic species close to shore. Sabine's Gulls were seen at Boynton Inlet starting on Nov. 3, and at Boca Raton on Nov. 4. Pomarine Jaegers and Cory's Shearwater were seen at both locations, including approximately 70 Pomarine Jaegers at Boca. Eleven Audubon's Shearwaters were seen at Boynton Inlet on the 4th. Pomarine Jaegers and unidentified Shearwaters were also seen that weekend from Key Biscayne. Although the last three species are not rare offshore, it is quite unusual to see them from the beach. Finally, the storm winds also brought a flock of 17 Black Scoters by Key Biscayne.
One of the Sabine's Gulls continues to be seen at Boynton Inlet into December. A Purple Sandpiper has also been at the inlet since November 15.
A second La Sagra's Flycatcher was found on November 12 at Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park on Key Biscayne. It was still present on November 13, but has not been seen since. However, a Spindalis zena (aka Western Stripe-headed Tanager, or Western Spindalis) was found at Bill Baggs on November 14 by birders searching for the La Sagra's. It was present through November 26th. It was relocated on December 9. A photo (plus song) of the Stripe-headed Tanager is also available on the net.
A Bell's Vireo, discovered on November 13, continued to be present into December.
A Lesser Nighthawk was seen on November 24 at Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge.
December 2001
The Sabine's Gull and Purple Sandpiper continue to be seen as of December 2. Photos of the Purple Sandpiper, Sabine's Gull, and Bell's Vireo are available at the Florida Birds-L website.
At least one Yellow-breasted Chat was found near the Bell's Vireo on December 1. Both birds were seen thoughout December. The birds are near a hammock about a quarter mile S on the road to the Youth Camp that starts just outside of the main section of Everglades National Park. The Bell's is often in the brushy area on the east side of the road. Other birds in the vicinity on December 1 included American Pipit, Limpkin, Sandhill Crane, Least Flycatcher (3-4), Wilson's Warbler, and Summer Tanager. So far as I know, the Pipits were not subsequently seen. The Summer Tanager was seen as late as December 11, and the Least Flycatchers and Wilson's Warbler were still being seen in January. A total of 16 warbler species, including Nashville, 2 Black-throated Greens, and Worm-eating have been seen there since December 1. A Lincoln's Sparrow was found in the same area on December 7-8. A White-crowned Sparrow was seen on December 9. Large numbers of Savannah Sparrows, mixed with some Grasshopper Sparrows, and a Chipping Sparrow (and possibly others) were present in the adjoining fields. A substantial number of Swainson's Hawks (up to 34) were also present in the area.
The Spindalis zena (aka Western Stripe-headed Tanager, or Western Spindalis) was relocated at Bill Baggs/Cape Florida State Park on December 9.
Another Purple Sandpiper was found by the Virgina Key group of the Miami CBC on Saturday, December 15. The sandpiper was on one of the feet of the piers for the high bridge on the Rickenbacker Causeway (to Key Biscayne). To find the bird, stay to right after passing through the toll booth, and proceed to the parking area for the fishing pier (old bridge segment), rather than going over the high bridge. Walk out onto the pier. The sandpiper was seen about 1/3 of the way out. If it is not on one of the bridge piers, you should try the shore near the pier. A number of Turnstone were present during the CBC, and the sandpiper might be with them.
Lesser Nighthawks were seen thoughout the month at Flamingo.
January 2002
A Ruddy Quail-Dove was seen by a lucky few on January 11-12 at Hugh Taylor Birch Park in Ft. Lauderdale. It has not been relocated. A Chestnut-sided Warbler was also seen there on the 12th. A Wood Thrush also seems to be wintering in the park.
Lesser Nighthawks have been seen in Everglades National Park at the C loop campground in Flamingo since December 1. Several have also been seen at "Dump Marsh" across from the landfill (Mt. Trashmore) on SW 248th St. Exit 9B from the turnpike (9 if headed N), and park near the SE corner of the landfill, shortly before reaching Black Point Park. Walk back along the dike road on the S side of 248th to access the marsh.
A Black-headed Gull was reported on January 7 from John Stretch Park, which is located on the N side of US 27 in Lake Harbor (between South Bay and Clewiston). I have no further information on this bird, other than the fact that Larry Manfredi considers the source "reliable".
A Franklin's Gull was spotted at the Dump Marsh on January 17.
Although it is in Hendry County, a firey-red adult male Vermilion Flycatcher is present on Government Rd., exactly 14 miles north of the Miccosukee Service Plaza (Mobil) on Alligator Alley. Up to seven Scissor-tailed Flycatchers and a Western Kingbird are also present in the vicinity. Also look for Limpkin, Crested Caracara, and White-tailed Kite between the Miccosukee Plaza and the Vermilion Flycatcher.
A first-year male Vermilion Flycatcher is at Belle Glade Campground and Marina. Check the power lines and poles near the volleyball area. (Go over the one-lane bridge with the campground on your left. Park in the asphalt parking lot.)
Bell's Vireo, Least Flycatcher, Yellow-breasted Chat and Wilson's Warbler continue to winter at "Lucky Hammock". "Lucky Hammock" is about a quarter mile S on the road to the Youth Camp that starts just outside of the main section of Everglades National Park. The birds are also sometimes seen in the brushy area on the east side of the road.
A Chesnut-sided Warbler was seen at Royal Palm, ENP on January 5-6. A Blue-winged Warbler was also seen there on January 5. Another Blue-winged Warbler was seen at West Lake, ENP on January 11.
Two Yellow-breasted Chats have been seen repeatedly across the road from the Visitor's Center in Flamingo. Check around the cleared Brazilian Pepper area. One was most recently seen on January 16.
A Lincoln's Sparrow was sighted at Eco Pond on January 11.
Seven Lark Sparrows have been seen at 33200 SW 217 (Arauz Nursery) since January 5. They are sometimes seen in the starfruit tree, and are sometimes singing.